Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day Twenty One- Freezing

Today, the water for the horse trough froze. I'm holding out until this afternoon to see if they thaw in the sun as to avoid hauling out water buckets.

I seem to carry the fence-breaking curse with me. If you know me, you know that I work on a dairy farm. I love my job. The 3 or 4 hours that it takes me to get the cows milked and the babies fed really only feels like half an hour! Yesterday however, some cows in heat decided to try to break the place down. They broke through the hot wire twice and then plowed through an actual fence. And got loose. And my boss almost didn't answer his phone. And the helper that lives on the property didn't answer his. And chaos ensued. It was a fun time. We joked that its a good thing they are black AND white or else we would never find them.

The good thing about having horses and working on a farm is that you understand the importance of body language. Cows are so sensitive to where you are standing or what you are doing, one wrong move can send them all running. The best thing I could do was just stand in one spot where I didn't want them to go (the pits behind the barn and the fields behind the barn the other time- I would love to be in two places at once).

P.S. I put the garbage out this morning, thinking it was garbage day. I don't think it was. I can't remember.


  1. Our tanks were frozen this morning, too. I banged on the ice with a stick, which worked just fine. Later in the winter I'll probably need the heavy rock bar, sigh.

  2. I always have a hard time remembering garbage day too. I've figured out a good rule of thumb: if it wasn't *this* Wednesday, it's probably *next* Wednesday. :-)
